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Smoothie Bowl – Berry & Banana

October 23, 2020 (Last Updated: February 2, 2021)
Creamy smoothie bowl on spoon

Smoothie bowls/’nice cream’ have recently become a major trend and I don’t know why it didn’t happen sooner!

When I tried making my first smoothie bowl a couple of months ago I was very skeptical. ‘How on earth will frozen fruit make such a thick smoothie? How is that meant to taste like ice cream?’ …This is what I was wondering.

Nevertheless, it looked so good I just had to give it a go. Boy, am I glad I did!

It took me a few tries to get that thick and smooth, satisfying consistency that I’m sure you have seen videos of. The trick is to add as little milk as possible, just enough to blend the fruit into a thick paste.

This fantastic creation melts in your mouth just like ice cream and the fruit gives it just the right amount of sweetness.

Nice Cream or Smoothie Bowl - Berry and Banana Flavour

This berry and banana smoothie bowl requires just four ingredients. The base of the banana and the yogurt gives it a lovely creaminess, while the berries add a fresh twist and a brilliant crimson color. The milk just helps make everything ‘blendable’, but if you have a high-power blender you could leave it out.

This instant ‘nice cream’ is not only delecious but healthy as well. A win-win situation for all!

Smoothie Bowl Variations

You can use pretty much any fruit for smoothie bowls. In fact, it doesn’t stop there…you can also add in veggies; spinach and cauliflower being two common ones.

Box of fruit for smoothie Bowl

I have a box in the freezer solely for my smoothie bowl fruit and veg. In here I store any fuit and veg I can get my hands on – banana chunks, papaya, berries, spinach etc.

I always put banana in my smoothie bowls because it makes a nice, creamy base; and then I add other fruit and veg from there.

Other nice things to add to a smoothie bowl are cinnamon, vanilla essence, oats, nut butter, cocoa powder, or protein powder.

For extra creaminess, I like to add plain yogurt. I also add a tiny splash of milk to make the frozen fruit blendable. You can use any milk, plant-based or not…or you can even use water.

What sort of blender should I use?

When I first started making smoothie bowls, I used a stick blender. I found that this actually worked really well, but you did have to first cut the fruit into little pieces. I’m not too sure if a stick blender is the best idea though, because they have quite weak motors which will quickly be destroyed trying to break up the frozen fruit.

So, although the stick blender did work, I don’t recommend using it as it might make some funny noises and not last very long. 

I now use a normal stand blender to make my smoothie bowls. Funnily enough, I find it actually takes longer with the stand blender than it did with the stick blender, and it’s also runnier. However, it makes a smoother smoothie bowl, and it doesn’t make any funny noises!

Storing & Serving Smoothie Bowls

I recommend eating the smoothie bowl immediately. If you leave it too long it will melt. It will still be delicious, but it won’t have that awesome ice cream consistency. On the opposite side of the spectrum, putting it in the freezer will make it really hard. Jaw-breakingly hard. You can do this, but then make sure you take it out of the freezer about 20 minutes before you plan on devouring it.

Smoothie bowls are delicious with so many things. Obviously, they are seriously delish just by themselves, but you can spice them up with some (or all of!) the following:

  • Coconut shavings
  • Fresh Berries
  • Banana Slices
  • Chia Pudding
  • Granola
  • Seeds
  • Nut Butter
  • Any fruit, cut up
  • Roasted nuts

Berry & Banana Smoothie Bowl

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Serves: 2
Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: - Total Time: 5 minutes

A quick and easy healthy 'ice cream' that is super thick and creamy. Made in under 5 minutes, this recipe is perfect for a speedy snack or breakfast.


  • Smoothie Bowl
  • 2 frozen bananas, broken into chunks
  • ¾ cup frozen berries (I used ¼ cup strawberries and ½ cup mulberries)
  • ½ cup plain yogurt
  • 2T milk (any kind)
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence (optional)
  • Optional Toppings
  • Coconut shavings
  • Fresh Berries
  • Banana Slices
  • Chia Pudding
  • Granola
  • Seeds
  • Nut Butter
  • Roasted Nuts



Simply place the banana chunks, berries, yogurt, milk, and optional vanilla essence into a blender.


Blend for about 1 minute, or until a smooth, thick mixture forms. You may need to scrape down the sides of your blender once or twice if you feel that it reaches a point where nothing is happening.


It is also possible to use a stick blender, and I find that it gives a thicker consistency. However, it is very strenuous for the small motor, and your stick blender's life-span will probably be dramatically decreased.


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